Package-level declarations


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data class BundledPluginSpec(val id: String, val folder: File) : PluginSpec

Specifies a plugin by specifying its installation folder that will be resolved against the installation of MPS.

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data class ExternalPluginSpec(val id: String, val folder: File) : PluginSpec

Specifies a plugin by specifying its installation folder that can be absolute or will be resolved depending on the JVM process it is executed in.

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sealed interface LocalEndpoint : SyncEndpoint
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data class LocalSource(var mpsHome: File? = null, mpsLibraries: Set<File> = emptySet(), var mpsHeapSize: String = "2g", var repositoryDir: File? = null, var mpsDebugPort: Int? = null, mpsPlugins: Set<PluginSpec> = emptySet()) : LocalEndpoint
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data class LocalTarget(var mpsHome: File? = null, mpsLibraries: Set<File> = emptySet(), var mpsHeapSize: String = "2g", var repositoryDir: File? = null, var mpsDebugPort: Int? = null, mpsPlugins: Set<PluginSpec> = emptySet()) : LocalEndpoint
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sealed interface PluginSpec

Specifies an MPS-plugin to be loaded. The id is the one that can be found in the META-INF/plugin.xml of a plugin.

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sealed interface ServerEndpoint : SyncEndpoint
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data class ServerSource(var url: String? = null, var repositoryId: String? = null, var branchName: String? = null, var requestTimeoutSeconds: Int = DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, var revision: String? = null, var baseRevision: String? = null) : ServerEndpoint
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data class ServerTarget(var url: String? = null, var repositoryId: String? = null, var branchName: String? = null, var requestTimeoutSeconds: Int = DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, val metaProperties: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf()) : ServerEndpoint
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data class SyncDirection(name: String, source: SyncEndpoint? = null, target: SyncEndpoint? = null, includedModules: Set<String> = mutableSetOf(), includedModulePrefixes: Set<String> = mutableSetOf(), continueOnError: Boolean = false)
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interface SyncEndpoint