Package-level declarations


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open class ActiveBranch(val client: IModelClient, val repository: RepositoryId, branchName: String?, user: () -> String) : IIndirectBranch
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interface IIndirectBranch
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expect class ReplicatedRepository(client: IModelClient, branchReference: BranchReference, user: () -> String)
actual class ReplicatedRepository(client: IModelClient, branchReference: BranchReference, user: () -> String)
actual open class ReplicatedRepository(client: IModelClient, branchReference: BranchReference, user: () -> String)

Dispose should be called on this, as otherwise a regular polling will go on.

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class RestWebModelClient @JvmOverloads constructor(var baseUrl: String = defaultUrl, authTokenProvider: () -> String?? = null, initialConnectionListeners: List<ConnectionListener> = emptyList(), providedClient: HttpClient? = null) : IModelClient

We need to specify the connection listeners right into the constructor because connection is started in the constructor.

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abstract class VersionChangeDetector(store: IKeyValueStore, key: String, coroutineScope: CoroutineScope)


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val HttpResponse.forbidden: Boolean
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val HttpResponse.successful: Boolean
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val HttpResponse.unsuccessful: Boolean