
expect class ContextValue<E>

A common abstraction over ThreadLocal and CoroutineContext that integrates both worlds. Allows to set a value that can be read from everywhere on the current thread or coroutine. A suspendable function can call non suspendable functions and the value is synchronized between the CoroutineContext and the internal ThreadLocal.

actual class ContextValue<E>
actual class ContextValue<E>(initialStack: List<E>)


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expect constructor()
expect constructor(defaultValue: E)
actual constructor()
actual constructor(defaultValue: E)
constructor(initialStack: List<E>)
actual constructor()
actual constructor(defaultValue: E)


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expect fun <T> computeWith(newValue: E, body: () -> T): T
actual fun <T> computeWith(newValue: E, body: () -> T): T
actual fun <T> computeWith(newValue: E, body: () -> T): T
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expect fun getAllValues(): List<E>
actual fun getAllValues(): List<E>
actual fun getAllValues(): List<E>
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expect fun getValue(): E
actual fun getValue(): E
actual fun getValue(): E
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expect fun getValueOrNull(): E?
actual fun getValueOrNull(): E?
actual fun getValueOrNull(): E?
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fun <E, T> ContextValue<E>.offer(value: E, body: () -> T): T
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expect suspend fun <T> runInCoroutine(newValue: E, body: suspend () -> T): T
actual suspend fun <T> runInCoroutine(newValue: E, body: suspend () -> T): T
actual suspend fun <T> runInCoroutine(newValue: E, body: suspend () -> T): T