Package-level declarations


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Internal API. Only public for tests.

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data class BranchReference(val repositoryId: RepositoryId, val branchName: String)
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class CLNode(tree: CLTree, data: CPNode)
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data class CLNodeRef(val id: Long)
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object COWArrays
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interface IBulkQuery
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interface IBulkTree : ITree
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interface IKVEntryReference<out E : IKVValue>
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interface IPrefetchGoal
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interface ITreeWrapper : ITree
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class KVEntryReference<out E : IKVValue>(writtenOrUnwrittenReference: IKVEntryReference<E>) : IKVEntryReference<E>
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class ObjectStoreCache @JvmOverloads constructor(val keyValueStore: IKeyValueStore, val config: CacheConfiguration = CacheConfiguration()) : IDeserializingKeyValueStore
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class OperationsCompressor(val resultTree: CLTree)
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There is no size limit. Entries are not evicted. This guarantees that after a prefetch there are no more request required. Not thread safe.

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data class RepositoryId(val id: String)
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class SynchronizedBulkQuery(val nonThreadSafeQuery: IBulkQuery) : IBulkQuery
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class WrittenEntry<E : IKVValue>(hash: String, deserializer: (String) -> E) : IKVEntryReference<E>


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fun <K, V> Map<K, V?>.filterNotNullValues(): Map<K, V>
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fun CLVersion.runWrite(idGenerator: IIdGenerator, author: String?, body: (IWriteTransaction) -> Unit): CLVersion
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