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constructor(id: RepositoryId?, store: IDeserializingKeyValueStore)
constructor(hash: String?, store: IDeserializingKeyValueStore)
constructor(store: IDeserializingKeyValueStore)
constructor(data: CPTree?, store_: IDeserializingKeyValueStore)
constructor(data: CPTree?, repositoryId_: RepositoryId?, store_: IDeserializingKeyValueStore, useRoleIds: Boolean = false)


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object Companion


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val root: CPNode?
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open override fun addNewChild(parentId: Long, role: String?, index: Int, childId: Long, concept: IConcept?): ITree
open override fun addNewChild(parentId: Long, role: String?, index: Int, childId: Long, concept: IConceptReference?): ITree
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open override fun addNewChildren(parentId: Long, role: String?, index: Int, newIds: LongArray, concepts: Array<IConcept?>): ITree
open override fun addNewChildren(parentId: Long, role: String?, index: Int, newIds: LongArray, concepts: Array<IConceptReference?>): ITree
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open override fun containsNode(nodeId: Long): Boolean
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open override fun deleteNode(nodeId: Long): ITree
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open override fun deleteNodes(nodeIds: LongArray): ITree
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open override fun getAllChildren(parentId: Long): Iterable<Long>
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open fun getAllChildrenAsFlow(parentId: Long): Flow<Long>
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open override fun getAncestors(nodeIds: Iterable<Long>, includeSelf: Boolean): Set<Long>
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open override fun getChildren(parentId: Long, role: String?): Iterable<Long>
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open fun getChildrenAsFlow(parentId: Long, role: String): Flow<Long>
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open override fun getChildRoles(sourceId: Long): Iterable<String?>
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open override fun getConcept(nodeId: Long): IConcept?
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open override fun getConceptReference(nodeId: Long): IConceptReference?
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open override fun getDescendants(root: Long, includeSelf: Boolean): Iterable<CLNode>
open override fun getDescendants(rootIds: Iterable<Long>, includeSelf: Boolean): Iterable<CLNode>
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open fun getDescendantsAsFlow(nodeId: Long, includeSelf: Boolean): Flow<Long>
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open override fun getId(): String
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open override fun getParent(nodeId: Long): Long
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open fun getParentAsFlow(nodeId: Long): Flow<Long>
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open override fun getProperty(nodeId: Long, role: String): String?
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open override fun getPropertyRoles(sourceId: Long): Iterable<String>
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open fun getPropertyValueAsFlow(nodeId: Long, role: String): Flow<String?>
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open override fun getReferenceRoles(sourceId: Long): Iterable<String>
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open override fun getReferenceTarget(sourceId: Long, role: String): INodeReference?
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open fun getReferenceTargetAsFlow(nodeId: Long, role: String): Flow<INodeReference>
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open override fun getRole(nodeId: Long): String?
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fun getSize(): Long
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open override fun moveChild(targetParentId: Long, targetRole: String?, targetIndex_: Int, childId: Long): ITree
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open override fun setConcept(nodeId: Long, concept: IConceptReference?): ITree
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open override fun setProperty(nodeId: Long, role: String, value: String?): ITree
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open fun setReferenceTarget(sourceId: Long, role: String, targetId: Long): ITree
open override fun setReferenceTarget(sourceId: Long, role: String, target: INodeReference?): ITree
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open override fun toString(): String
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open override fun usesRoleIds(): Boolean
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open override fun visitChanges(oldVersion: ITree, visitor: ITreeChangeVisitor)
fun visitChanges(oldVersion: ITree, visitor: ITreeChangeVisitor, bulkQuery: IBulkQuery)