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abstract val branch: IBranch
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abstract val tree: ITree


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abstract fun containsNode(nodeId: Long): Boolean
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abstract fun getAllChildren(parentId: Long): Iterable<Long>
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abstract fun getChildren(parentId: Long, role: String?): Iterable<Long>
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abstract fun getConcept(nodeId: Long): IConcept?
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abstract fun getParent(nodeId: Long): Long
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abstract fun getProperty(nodeId: Long, role: String): String?
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abstract fun getPropertyRoles(sourceId: Long): Iterable<String>
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abstract fun getReferenceRoles(sourceId: Long): Iterable<String>
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abstract fun getReferenceTarget(sourceId: Long, role: String): INodeReference?
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abstract fun getRole(nodeId: Long): String?
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abstract fun getUserObject(key: Any): Any?
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abstract fun putUserObject(key: Any, value: Any?)
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abstract fun unwrap(): ITransaction
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