
data class NodeUpdateData(val nodeId: NodeId? = null, val temporaryNodeId: NodeId? = null, val concept: String? = null, val references: Map<String, String?>? = null, val properties: Map<String, String?>? = null, val children: Map<String?, List<NodeId>>? = null)


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constructor(nodeId: NodeId? = null, temporaryNodeId: NodeId? = null, concept: String? = null, references: Map<String, String?>? = null, properties: Map<String, String?>? = null, children: Map<String?, List<NodeId>>? = null)


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object Companion


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val children: Map<String?, List<NodeId>>? = null
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val concept: String? = null
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val nodeId: NodeId? = null
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val properties: Map<String, String?>? = null
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val references: Map<String, String?>? = null
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val temporaryNodeId: NodeId? = null


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fun replaceIds(replacer: (String) -> String?): NodeUpdateData
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fun withChildren(childrenRole: String?, newChildren: List<NodeId>?): NodeUpdateData
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fun withConcept(newConceptUID: String?): NodeUpdateData
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fun withProperty(propertyRole: String, value: String?): NodeUpdateData
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fun withReference(referenceRole: String, target: NodeId?): NodeUpdateData