
open override fun mpsPlugin(plugin: PluginSpec)

Add a plugin to be loaded when running MPS. jetbrains.mps.core, jetbrains.mps.testing, jetbrains.mps.ide.make are always loaded.

All other plugins, even bundled ones, must be configured explicitly. In general cases, the sync does not rely on concepts (and in turn on languages and plugins) of the synced nodes.

Loading other plugins might become necessary when they provide custom persistence and in other, yet unknown cases. First, try if the sync works for your project without adding plugins.

Example usage:

mpsPlugin(BundledPluginSpec("jetbrains.mps.vcs", File("plugins/mps-vcs")))
mpsPlugin(ExternalPluginSpec("com.example.mps.aPlugin", File("/full/path/to/aPlugin")))