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abstract val allChildren: Iterable<INode>

Iterable over all child nodes of this node.

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abstract val concept: IConcept?

Concept, of which this node is instance of, or null if the node is not instance of any concept.

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abstract val isValid: Boolean
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abstract val parent: INode?

Parent node of this node if it exists, or null if this node has no parent node.

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Reference targeting this node.

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open override val roleInParent: String?

Role of this node in its parent node if it exists,or null otherwise.


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open override fun addNewChild(role: String?, index: Int, concept: IConcept?): INode
open override fun addNewChild(role: String?, index: Int, concept: IConceptReference?): INode

Adds a new child node to this node.

abstract override fun addNewChild(role: IChildLink, index: Int, concept: IConcept?): INode
abstract override fun addNewChild(role: IChildLink, index: Int, concept: IConceptReference?): INode
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fun INode.addNewChild(role: String?, index: Int): INode
fun INode.addNewChild(role: String?, concept: IConcept?): INode
fun INode.addNewChild(role: IChildLink, index: Int): INode
fun INode.addNewChild(role: IChildLink, index: Int, concept: IConcept?): INode
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open fun addNewChildren(role: String?, index: Int, concepts: List<IConceptReference?>): List<INode>
open fun addNewChildren(link: IChildLink, index: Int, concepts: List<IConceptReference?>): List<INode>
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open fun getAllChildrenAsFlow(): Flow<INode>
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fun INode?.getAncestor(concept: IConcept?, includeSelf: Boolean): INode?
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fun INode.getAncestors(includeSelf: Boolean = false): Sequence<INode>
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abstract fun getArea(): IArea

Returns the area of which this node is part of.

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open override fun getChildren(role: String?): Iterable<INode>

Returns children of this node for the given role.

abstract override fun getChildren(link: IChildLink): Iterable<INode>
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open fun getChildrenAsFlow(role: IChildLink): Flow<INode>
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Returns a concept reference to the concept of which this node is instance of.

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abstract override fun getContainmentLink(): IChildLink?
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open fun getDescendantsAsFlow(includeSelf: Boolean = false): Flow<INode>
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open fun getParentAsFlow(): Flow<INode>
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abstract override fun getPropertyLinks(): List<IProperty>
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open override fun getPropertyRoles(): List<String>

Returns all property roles of this node.

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open override fun getPropertyValue(role: String): String?

Returns the value of the given property role for this node.

abstract override fun getPropertyValue(property: IProperty): String?
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open fun getPropertyValueAsFlow(role: IProperty): Flow<String?>
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abstract override fun getReferenceLinks(): List<IReferenceLink>
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open override fun getReferenceRoles(): List<String>

Returns all reference roles of this node.

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open override fun getReferenceTarget(role: String): INode?

Returns the target of the given reference role for this node.

abstract override fun getReferenceTarget(link: IReferenceLink): INode?
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open override fun getReferenceTargetRef(role: String): INodeReference?

Returns a node reference to the target of the reference.

abstract override fun getReferenceTargetRef(role: IReferenceLink): INodeReference?
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fun INode.index(): Int
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Resolves whether the child link is ordered or not.

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fun INode.isInstanceOf(superConcept: IConcept?): Boolean
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open override fun moveChild(role: String?, index: Int, child: INode)

Moves a node to this node's children with the given role and index. The child node can originate from a different parent.

abstract override fun moveChild(role: IChildLink, index: Int, child: INode)
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fun INode.moveChild(role: IChildLink, index: Int, child: INode)
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abstract fun removeChild(child: INode)

Removes the given node from this node's children.

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open override fun setPropertyValue(role: String, value: String?)

Sets the value of the given property role for this node to the specified role.

abstract override fun setPropertyValue(property: IProperty, value: String?)
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fun INode.setPropertyValue(property: IProperty, value: String?)
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open override fun setReferenceTarget(role: String, target: INode?)

Sets the target of the given role reference for this node to the specified target node.

open override fun setReferenceTarget(role: String, target: INodeReference?)

Sets the target of the given role reference for this node to the node referenced by the specified target reference.

abstract override fun setReferenceTarget(link: IReferenceLink, target: INode?)
abstract override fun setReferenceTarget(role: IReferenceLink, target: INodeReference?)
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open fun tryGetConcept(): IConcept?
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Attempts to resolve the child link.

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Attempts to resolve the property.

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Attempts to resolve the reference link.

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open override fun usesRoleIds(): Boolean
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