Package-level declarations


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TODO if you add a new Concept to a language, do not forget to add it to the language's included concepts field. Otherwise the concept will not be eagerly added to the Language, when registering the language in the ILanguageRegistry.

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expect class ContextValue<E>
actual class ContextValue<E>
actual class ContextValue<E>
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interface IBranch

Representation of a branch.

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interface IBranchListener

Listener, that listens for changes on a branch.

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Wrapper for IBranch

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interface IChildLink : ILink

Representation of a parent-child relationship between IConcepts.

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interface IConcept

Representation of a language concept.

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Reference to an IConcept.

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interface IIdGenerator

Generator for IDs.

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interface ILanguage

Representation of a language.

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An ILanguageRepository contains languages and their corresponding concepts.

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interface ILink : IRole

Representation of a link between two IConcepts. A link belongs to one concept and targets another. It can be an IChildLink or an IReferenceLink.

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interface INode

Representation of a model element.

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interface INodeEx : INode
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interface INodeJS_ : INodeJS
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@Serializable(with = NodeReferenceKSerializer::class)
interface INodeReference

Reference to an INode-

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Serializer for INodeReferences.

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interface INodeWrapper : INode

Wrapper for INode

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interface IProperty : IRole

Representation of a property within an IConcept.

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Provides transactional read access to nodes.

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interface IReferenceLink : ILink

Representation of a non-containment reference link between IConcepts.

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Interface for nodes that can be replaced by a new instance.

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interface IRole

An IRole is a structural feature of a concept. It can either be an IProperty or an ILink.

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interface ITransaction

Provides transactional access to nodes in the tree of this transaction.

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interface ITree

Consists of INodes.

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Interface to handle changes within an ITree.

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Extension of ITreeChangeVisitor, which can also handle removed and added nodes.

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Provides transactional read and write access to nodes.

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abstract class LinkFromName : RoleFromName, ILink
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class NodeAdapterJS(val node: INode) : INodeJS_
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data class NodeReference(val serialized: String) : INodeReference
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data class NodeReferenceById(val nodeId: String) : INodeReference
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class PBranch(tree: ITree, idGenerator: IIdGenerator) : IBranch
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open class PNodeAdapter(val nodeId: Long, val branch: IBranch) : INode, INodeEx, IReplaceableNode
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data class PNodeReference(val id: Long, val branchId: String) : INodeReference
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class ReadTransaction(val tree: ITree, val branch: IBranch) : Transaction, IReadTransaction
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abstract class RoleFromName : IRole
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class SimpleChildLink(simpleName: String, val isMultiple: Boolean, val isOptional: Boolean, val targetConcept: IConcept, uid: String? = null, val isOrdered: Boolean = true) : IChildLink
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open class SimpleConcept(conceptName: String, is_abstract: Boolean = false, directSuperConcepts: Iterable<IConcept> = emptyList(), uid: String? = null) : IConcept
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open class SimpleLanguage(name: String, uid: String? = null) : ILanguage
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data class SimpleProperty @JvmOverloads constructor(simpleName: String, val isOptional: Boolean = true, uid: String? = null) : IProperty
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class SimpleReferenceLink @JvmOverloads constructor(simpleName: String, val isOptional: Boolean, var targetConcept: IConcept, uid: String? = null) : IReferenceLink
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abstract class Transaction(val branch: IBranch) : ITransaction
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class TreePointer(tree_: ITree, val idGenerator: IIdGenerator = IdGeneratorDummy()) : IBranch, IWriteTransaction, IReadTransaction

A non thread safe branch without real transactions. Provides better performance for temporary branches that are not shared.

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class WriteTransaction(_tree: ITree, val branch: IBranch, idGenerator: IIdGenerator) : Transaction, IWriteTransaction


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fun INode.addNewChild(role: String?, index: Int): INode
fun INode.addNewChild(role: String?, concept: IConcept?): INode
fun INode.addNewChild(role: IChildLink, index: Int): INode
fun INode.addNewChild(role: IChildLink, index: Int, concept: IConcept?): INode
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Recursively unwraps a branch.

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Returns this concept and all of its super-concepts.

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Returns all sub-concepts (direct and indirect) of the receiver concept.

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fun INode?.getAncestor(concept: IConcept?, includeSelf: Boolean): INode?
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fun INode.getAncestors(includeSelf: Boolean = false): Sequence<INode>
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Returns the direct sub-concepts of the receiver concept.

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Returns all instantiable sub-concepts (direct and indirect) of the receiver concept.

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fun INode.index(): Int
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Resolves whether the child link is ordered or not.

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fun INode.isInstanceOf(superConcept: IConcept?): Boolean
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fun IConcept.isSubConceptOf(superConceptReference: IConceptReference): Boolean

Checks if this is a sub-concept of the IConcept that is identified by the superConceptReference's UID.

fun IConcept?.isSubConceptOf(superConcept: IConcept?): Boolean
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fun IChildLink.key(node: INode): String?
fun IRole.key(node: INode): String

Returns the key of the receiver role for the given transaction.

fun IRole.key(tree: ITree): String

Returns the key of the receiver role for the given tree.

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fun INode.moveChild(role: IChildLink, index: Int, child: INode)
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Resolves the receiver concept reference within all registered language repositories.

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expect inline fun <R> runSynchronized(lock: Any, block: () -> R): R
actual inline fun <R> runSynchronized(lock: Any, block: () -> R): R
actual inline fun <R> runSynchronized(lock: Any, block: () -> R): R
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fun INode.setPropertyValue(property: IProperty, value: String?)
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Tries to resolve the receiver concept reference within all registered language repositories.

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Attempts to resolve the child link.

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Attempts to resolve the property.

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Attempts to resolve the reference link.

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