A non thread safe branch without real transactions. Provides better performance for temporary branches that are not shared.
Adds the given branch listener to this branch.
Creates and adds a new child of the given concept to the tree of this transaction.
Performs a computable read operation, which returns a value, on this branch.
Performs a computable read operation, which returns a value, in a read transaction on this branch.
Performs a computable write operation, which returns a value, on this branch.
Performs a computable write operation, which returns a value, in a write transaction on this branch.
Checks if the given node is contained in the tree of this transaction.
Recursively unwraps a branch.
Deletes the given node.
Returns all children of the given node in the tree of this transaction.
Returns the children of the child link for the given node in the tree of this transaction
Returns the concept of the given node in the tree of this transaction.
Returns a reference to the concept of the given node in the tree of this transaction.
Returns the property value of the given property role for the given node in the tree of this transaction.
Returns all property roles for the given node in the tree of this transaction.
Returns all reference roles for the given node in the tree of this transaction.
Returns the target of the given reference role for the given node in the tree of this transaction.
Returns the user object with the given key.
Stores a user object by using the specified key.
Removes the given branch listener from this branch.
Performs a function in a read transaction on this branch.
Performs a function in a write transaction on this branch.
Sets the concept of the node identified by the given id.
Sets the value of the given node for the given property role to the specified value.
Sets the reference target of the given node for the given reference role to the specified target.