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abstract suspend fun computeDelta(versionHash: String, baseVersionHash: String?): ObjectData
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abstract suspend fun createRepository(repositoryId: RepositoryId, userName: String?, useRoleIds: Boolean = true, legacyGlobalStorage: Boolean = false): CLVersion
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abstract fun getBranches(repositoryId: RepositoryId): Set<BranchReference>
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abstract suspend fun getVersion(branch: BranchReference): CLVersion?
abstract suspend fun getVersion(repository: RepositoryId, versionHash: String): CLVersion?
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abstract suspend fun getVersionHash(branch: BranchReference): String?
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abstract fun isIsolated(repository: RepositoryId): Boolean?

The data of a repository is stored separately from other repositories, but that wasn't always the case. For backwards compatibility, existing repositories remain in the global storage.

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abstract suspend fun maybeInitAndGetSeverId(): String

Used to retrieve the server ID. If needed, the server ID is created and stored.

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abstract suspend fun mergeChanges(branch: BranchReference, newVersionHash: String): String
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abstract fun mergeChangesBlocking(branch: BranchReference, newVersionHash: String): String

Same as mergeChanges but blocking. Caller is expected to execute it outside the request thread.

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abstract suspend fun pollVersionHash(branch: BranchReference, lastKnown: String?): String
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abstract suspend fun removeBranches(repository: RepositoryId, branchNames: Set<String>)
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abstract fun removeBranchesBlocking(repository: RepositoryId, branchNames: Set<String>)

Same as removeBranches but blocking. Caller is expected to execute it outside the request thread.

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abstract suspend fun removeRepository(repository: RepositoryId): Boolean
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abstract suspend fun <R> runWithRepository(repository: RepositoryId, body: suspend () -> R): R